Less Than Jake Hits Hollywood

Less Than Jake

Less Than Jake have been keeping the Ska/Punk flame burning for twenty years. Come help them celebrate, this Wednesday, October 10th at the House of Blues on Sunset. In the meantime, check out this short but sweet interview with lead singer Chris Demakis.




1. My first show ever was Less Than Jake in the Val Surf parking lot about fifteen years ago. Do you remember it?

Actually, I do. I Had just gotten rid of strep throat and was still feeling like shit.


2. What are your favorite bars and restaurants in Los Angeles?

Rainbow Bar and Grill.


3. What have you been listening to lately? Any bands we need to check out?

Dopamines and Junior Battles.


4. You’ve been doing this for a very long time…what keeps you going?

A steady diet of beer, sheer will and the love of being a touring musician.


5. What can we expect at the House of Blues Sunset show on Wednesday?

Insanity, bad dick jokes and lots of people singing along.


6. What’s next for Less Than Jake?

We are playing in about two and a half hours here in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


7. Shout-out’s? Words of wisdom?

I’d like to say hello to all my fans in Venezuela. All three of you.